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Anti Age theraphy

Preventing aging is becoming the most discussed and sought-after topic. After all, people's well-being has improved significantly over the past decades. In particular, the average life expectancy has increased. Given this fact, people have new priorities - preservation of youth and functioning of the body.
Interest in antiaging medicine continues to grow.

 What is Anti-aging?

The industry is aimed at inhibiting the aging processes of the body. Anti-age medicine includes numerous measures that improve the quality of life, prevent the depletion of collagen in the skin, slow down the aging of the tissues of internal organs, and stop the development of age-related diseases.

Medicine allows you to achieve better results in treatment and prevention:

  • Neurosis, insomnia, depression.
  • Increased fatigue and chronic fatigue.
  • Lymphostasis and varicose veins.
  • Slowing down the metabolic process, which leads to obesity.
  • diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart attacks and strokes.

Procedures of antiaging medicine are also aimed at preserving the body's reproductive function, increasing libido, improving memory and concentration.

What starts the aging process of the body?

Externally, the aging process can be noticed at the age of 30-35, deterioration of the skin of the face and body. However, destructive processes in the body begin earlier - at the age of 25. At this time, the body reaches the peak of its formation, after which the reverse process is "started", which leads to the development of aging processes.
The rate of aging of the body is influenced not only by the genetic factor. Improper nutrition, ecology, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, stress and poor sleep significantly accelerate various destructive processes in the body and tissues. At the age of 35-40, the aging process leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, deterioration of vision and memory.
Often, the external signs of aging are eliminated with the help of plastic surgery. It allows you to look younger, but it cannot protect against the rapid development of "aging" diseases - osteoporosis, ischemia, sclerosis, impaired blood circulation in the brain.

How to slow down aging processes?

  • First of all, specialists should learn the individual characteristics of the patient's body:
  • Check the hormonal balance.
  • With the help of comprehensive diagnostics, find out exactly which destructive processes have already started in the body.
  • Learn about genetic susceptibility to diseases and early dysfunction of internal organs.
  • Determine aging forecasts and draw up an individual comprehensive rejuvenation program.
  • The activities of the ANTI-AGE program are designed to answer these questions and develop antiaging therapy that is suitable for a specific patient.

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Islam Dababseh
Islam Dababseh
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Mon.-Fri.: 09:00-20:00
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Sunday: Day off