Physical rehabilitation
Shockwave Therapy
Shock wave therapy is based on the use of the effects of high-intensity acoustic waves on various tissues of the body. Waves pass through soft tissues (skin, muscles) and fluids (blood and lymph), the acoustic resistance (impedance) of which practically coincides with the resistance of water. At the boundary of the separation of soft tissues and bones, about 60% of the acoustic energy enters the bone, and the rest is carried by the reflected wave. At the same time, significant mechanical stress occurs near the contact surface, which is capable of destroying pathological formations (growths, spikes (for example, as with a heel spur), stones (including with urolithiasis).
Therapeutic effect
- Analgesic;
- reparative and regenerative;
- myorelaxant;
- vasodilator;
- acceleration of collagen production;
- destruction of fossilized fibroblasts;
- acceleration of tissue oxygenation;
- lipolysis.
Indications for Shockwave Therapy
- Diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, scoliosis;
- joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, epicondylitis, kneecap syndrome, heel spur;
- cellulite;
- flat feet;
- rehabilitation after sports injuries.
The duration of the session is on average 10-15 minutes, with a course of 5-7 procedures.