
I.D.Clinic - Art of Medicine

Physical rehabilitation


What is kinesiotaping? From a medical point of view, it is a therapeutic process or a method of treatment, which involves applying a special elastic patch (kinesio tape) to injured areas of the body. Such highly effective kinesis tape improves blood circulation, reduces pain and promotes intensive healing of injuries.

Kinesio tape was developed almost half a century ago by the Japanese doctor Kenzo Kashi. The method provides constant support for muscles and ligaments, accelerates their independent healing without the use of medical drugs - tablets, ointments. Initially, the kinesiotaping method was used by professional athletes as an alternative to various painkillers for muscle, joint and ligament injuries. Today, kinesiology taping is gaining more and more popularity among ordinary citizens living in European countries and the USA.

Most often, the kinesiotaping method is used in the following cases:
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis, scoliosis, hernias, other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • contusions, hematomas, sprains and other types of injuries.
Principle of action of kinesiotaping and effects of application:

Kinesio tape is glued to an injured or sick part of the body and left there for some time. Usually, this period is from 3 to 5 days.

Kinesio taping - there are no negative effects, the treatment is convenient and effective. You can just stick a patch on the sore spot and go about your business. You will not have to be distracted by taking pills or rubbing the ointment, the patch works all the time. In the process of applying kinesio tapes to a damaged muscle or joint, different tension of the tape is used, thanks to which blood circulation improves and the muscle-fascial segment is modeled. Therefore, kinesiotaping, and especially in combination with other methods of injury treatment, has a simply stunning effect:

  • reduces pain sensations;
  • relieves swelling in the damaged area;
  • contributes to the localization of the inflammatory process and, subsequently, its complete elimination;
  • takes over part of the load falling on the damaged muscle or joint.
Other advantages of applying kinesio tapes include:
  • the patch is very elastic, does not cause inconvenience.
  • the tape is made of cotton, your skin will fully "breathe".
  • the material is waterproof, you can take a shower without fear.
  • kinesio tape is firmly held in place of application.

Prices (UAH)

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Haitham Dababseh
Haitham Dababseh
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Mon.-Fri.: 09:00-20:00
Saturday: 10:00-19:00
Sunday: Day off