Diagnosis and treatment of STIs

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Diagnosis and treatment of STIs

STIs are infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. It is essential to know their symptoms and treatment to prevent complications.

Maintaining intimate health and the vaginal microbiome is crucial for preventing infections and preserving the normal vaginal flora.

What are STIs?

They include viral (HIV), bacterial (chlamydia), and fungal (candidiasis) infections transmitted through sexual contact.

They negatively affect both female and male health and can cause inflammatory changes and infertility.

The risks associated with untreated infections can lead to infertility, chronic inflammation, and pregnancy complications. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment of sexual infections are very important.

Main symptoms of STIs

Common symptoms for women and men: unpleasant discharge, itching, and pain during sexual intercourse.

Asymptomatic cases can lead to complications such as infertility. For example, in chlamydia, the fallopian tubes may be affected, leading to their blockage.

Specific signs of certain infections:

  1. Chlamydia — pain, yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  2. Trichomoniasis — foamy yellow/green discharge.
  3. Herpes — blisters filled with fluid on the skin or mucous membranes.
  4. HPV — papillomas on the skin.
  5. Syphilis — ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes.
  6. Gonorrhea — pain during urination, purulent discharge.

Causes and risk factors of STIs

  1. Unprotected sexual contact is the main risk factor.
  2. Multiple sexual partners increase the risk of infection.
  3. Failure to follow personal hygiene rules creates favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Weakened immunity as a risk factor because the body becomes less capable of fighting infections.

Diagnosis of STIs

Tests for STIs:

  • swabs from mucous membranes;
  • PCR tests for infections;
  • bacteriological culture of discharge.

Ultrasound can detect complications of infections, such as inflammatory changes in the ovaries and uterus.

Screening for sexual infections should be done regularly (once every 6-12 months), especially after contact with a new partner or if symptoms are present.

Methods of treating STIs

The drugs of choice are antibiotics for treating bacterial infections and, if necessary, hormonal therapy.

Antiviral medications are used to treat viral infections, such as herpes.

It is important to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and retake tests.

Simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner minimizes the risk of reinfection.

The vaginal microbiome and its role in women's health

These are microorganisms, including lactobacilli, that help protect the vagina from pathogenic bacteria and maintain its normal acidity.

Infections can disrupt the balance of the vaginal microbiome. Antibiotics can destroy beneficial vaginal bacteria.

Symptoms of vaginal microbiome imbalance: itching, burning, discomfort, unpleasant odor, and changes in discharge.

Restoration of the microbiome after STI treatment

Probiotics for the vagina and special medications help restore the microbiome balance by increasing the number of lactobacilli.

Balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help maintain a normal microbiome and strengthen the immune system.

Topical products, such as vaginal probiotics, gels, and creams with lactobacilli, help maintain the microbiome balance.

Prevention of infections and maintaining the vaginal microbiome

Barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms, protect against infections.

Regular gynecological check-ups and preventive tests help to detect infections in time and prevent complications, thus supporting reproductive health.

To maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome, it is important to:

  • use intimate hygiene products without harsh chemical components;
  • wear comfortable underwear made of natural fabrics;
  • follow personal hygiene rules.

Frequently Asked Questions about STIs and Microbiome Restoration

How quickly can STIs be treated?

This depends on the type of infection, its spread, and any complications. The duration of treatment can range from 7 days to several months.

Can microbiome imbalance be avoided during antibiotic treatment?

It is important to use probiotics that help restore the balance of beneficial microbiota.

Which probiotics should be chosen for microbiome restoration?

For restoring the vaginal microbiome, probiotics with lactobacilli are often recommended as they help restore normal flora.

How can you tell that the vaginal microbiome has been restored?

The absence of symptoms and infections in follow-up tests indicates that the microbiome has been restored.

Timely treatment of infections and microbiome restoration is essential for maintaining reproductive health.

Consult a doctor, undergo examinations, and follow preventive measures to avoid infections and preserve reproductive health.

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